A Healthy Liver requires a Super-Hero
Liver is an important organ of our body that performs a wide range of functions from removing toxins to producing and excreting bile to activating enzymes. Some signs that indicate a damaged liver include frequent allergies, malnutrition, poor appetite, fatigue, irregular digestion, skin discoloration, acid reflux and heartburns.

Some of the most important reasons for liver disorders are
- Consumption of alcohol
- Eating diet high in carbs may increase fat deposition in liver.
- Being over-weight
- Diabetes
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A liver detox can help in alleviating many of these problems. Fortunately, India’s ayurvedic tradition provides herbs that can help to keep liver healthy.
- Punarnava is a magical remedy during jaundice and other liver anomalies
- Pippali can be used in hepatic disorders due to its hepato-protective action. Has anti-hyperlipidemic activity
- Guduchi has anti-oxidant, hepato-protective and cholesterol-lowering properties.
- Daruharidra has hepatoprotective properties and fights against liver toxicity and helps to treat jaundice
- Musta has lipid lowering property & counters high cholesterol levels
- Kalmegha has hepatoprotective action and helps to stimulate multiple liver enzymes
- Himsra protects the liver by reducing oxidative stress due to its antioxidant properties
- Kutaki ensures good liver function, cleanse out the toxins and limit your exposure to the bad germs which can impact liver functions
- Bhumyamalaki reverses any damage caused to the liver

A healthy liver requires a vast array of nutrients and herbs to support the endless functions it must perform. Being the largest organ in the body, the liver requires the support of a super-hero.
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The superiority of Livstar(TM) (SAVA Healthcare Limited) lies in its unique composition of ayurvedic herbs that help in normalizing the function of liver.